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What people say about our coaching programs


Ravindra Hunashimarad

Group Manager - Citrix R&D India Pvt. Limited

Coaching by Dr.D & India Coaching Federation (ICF) has given me a bigger purpose in life which is much bigger than just doing job and earning money. 1st time I experienced what is real fulfilment and satisfaction you can have in life. And how operating from your oneself you can create many possibilities in Life, career and relationhsip.

If you become a transformed person no one can stop you growing and becoming a Director and Business Leader.


Ms. Sapna Jha

Founder & Managing Director - HapGen Education and Head Coach - Benesse India Pvt Lt

What is transformation?, 1st time I practically experienced in my life while doing my coach certification program (ACC) at India coaching Federation by Dr.D. Now I am coaching thousands of youths & professionals every month and guiding them to discover their true passion & potential to create a meaningful future career for them. I help them discover thei passion and purpose in life through my coaching program which i learned from Dr.D.

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Suresh Shetye

Business Coach and a Partner of ActionCOACH Global, USA

The most important thing which I experience is the confidence as a coach to empower and transform any business leader to make them better and more successful. Your self-transformation as a coach can only give you this confident and credibility which you can only learn and experience with Dr.D. at India coaching federation.


Prabhakar Mendhe

Performance and Leadership Coach

It was an unique experience dismantling acquired personality to discover my real personality, my “oneself”, my passion and transforming my decision making to operate and take decision from my awareness and wisdom to resolve any challenge in life. Thanks, Dr.D. coaching us for master coach certification program at India coaching federation


KV (Kalapadan) Premraj

38+yrs Banking Leadership Experienced - HDFC

It was a remarkable journey with Dr.D while doing my master coach certification program at India coaching federation. It has transformed me and my life completely. Being a business leader and coach, you must need to go for you own transformation journey before coaching and transforming the life, career and business of others

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Prakash Nair

Branch Manager & Business consultant

The distinct survive and thrive phases I experienced in the corporate sector has been a very enriching journey which has made me truly perceptive, decisive and tenacious and I would like to share the same with the coachees.

I find an abiding interest and a keen curiosity when I listen to Dr. Dhirendra Gautam of India Coaching Federation as he imparts the skills, tools and knowledge to make a career as a Life Coach. My extensive experience in the corporate world and the exemplary training being imparted by Dr D is the perfect blend that will mould me as an empathic, systematic, coherent and an effective Life Coach.


I look forward to emerge as a Coach who can be a fruitful and potent guide to the coachees. I carry the best intentions for coachees in my heart and am committed to empower and transform them to their satisfaction. I would like to hold up the mirror to the coachees so that they will understand and acknowledge their lacunas, be mindful of the same and alter their behavior and attitude as they undergo my final touches of the chiseling required to emerge flawless. This will propel them to greater heights and they will find that they can soar as an eagle.

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