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Why People Do, what they do?

Writer: Dr. Dhirendra Gautam (Dr.D)Dr. Dhirendra Gautam (Dr.D)

Wisdom & Desire is the two natural characteristics of all Soul; based on the level of consciousness your soul utilizes its wisdom to create the Desire"

This desire makes people to do the things they are doing in their day-to-day life.

Following are some of the Desires of people which influence them to the things they do in their life. And by improving your consciousness level you can empower your wisdom to create fulfilling desire for you:

1. The Need: The famous need theory of Abraham Maslow’s which starts from basic survival need of food, shelter, cloth and safety and moves upward to belongingness and love then your self Esteem needs and finally self-actualizations. Unfortunately, 80% of the population in this earth is still struggling and doing the things to manage their survival, safety and basic social needs

2. Selfish Intension – what is it for me, what benefit I will get from doing this and finally what I will get out of this is very common now a day’s and almost everybody in this world talks the same language and works with same motive. Hope we can create some exception.

3. Just because they have to do it, they do, the typical example is the employee mind set work, there is no passion or motivation but they still do the work knowing that if they will not work the survival will be difficult. Most of the people in this earth especially in developing countries are in this category.

4. Attention and Affection – Being human it is integral to have the desire to be the object of affection for another person, and often to gain the attention from all other you interact with.

5. People in defence and social organizations do the things with sense of duty and Pride like patriotism, nationalism, volunteerism and social wellbeing.

6. Doing things out of love and kindness for the benefit of others is highly satisfying and the best to do the things for mankind. Whenever and wherever it is possible we all should explore the opportunity to do things with Love.

7. My Passion is my love; my favourite thing to do is pursue my passions of writing and coaching, where I empower people to take charge of their challenges relating to life, money, relationship and business. This creates a universe of success and satisfied people in my world which gives me peace and freedom.

8. For me it’s my Self-expression, which gives me real peace, freedom and Fulfilment in life.

Hope you have enjoyed reading this, do share your stories and thought about “Why you do what you do” and how you feel doing what you are doing and if I can be of any help in finding out the reason for you to do what will make you happier and more fulfilled.

I am Dr. Dhirendra Gautam, a life & business doctor and leadership Coach; I Empower people to transform their Life, career, business & relationship challenges and introduce then to the world of love and abundance. Do visit our website to find my wisdom I share with mankind.

Hope you have enjoyed reading this, do share your thought and queries relating to this. You can also share your challenges relating to your life and business with us and we would love to help you resolve your challenges.

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