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The Best Coach Certification Programs in the world

Writer's picture: Dr. Dhirendra Gautam (Dr.D)Dr. Dhirendra Gautam (Dr.D)

Updated: Oct 3, 2022

As a coach when you stand In front of your Coachee; you should have the confidence in you to say that yes, I will help you resolve your challenges in Life, Career, Business and relationship. And if I cannot, I will not charge any FEES.

Are you a coach with this level of confidence? If not then you have the opportunity to become a coach with this level of Confidence through India Coaching Federation (ICF) research-based coach certification program to become a Certified Chartered coach with Confidence, Creditability and content.

We did the extensive search with all the federations and institutions claiming to provide coach certification program around the world and so you don't have to. Through extensive review, we finally came up with the best coaching certification programs to help new executive coaches, as well as experienced coaches to get in to the journey of self-transformation to “Discover your Coach Within” and become a Certified Chartered coach with your own wisdom, awareness and self-expression.

Coaching is Not Training & Skill Development; it is all about people Transformation.

Coaching is all about people transformation. Unless you transform the personality of the individual you cannot transform their challenges in their life, career, business and relationship. And the moment the personality is transformed the overall decision making of the individual gets transform and then whatever decision they take in their life; they get better result in their life, career, business and relationship.

India Coaching federation (ICF) is the only body and association of coaches which offers this research based coaching and Chartered coach certification program to create three different level of Coaches with 100% money back guarantee.

It promises to all the people in this world that through its personality transformation based coaching framework it can create 100% transformation in the life, career, business and relationship of the people.

India Coaching Federation offers the best Coaching and chartered coach certification program in this world to become an accredited coach.

The 04 Different Types of Executive Chartered Coach Certification Programs

01 Associate Chartered Coach (ACC) Certification Program:

The most comprehensive and research-based coach certification program for anyone who wants for become a Chartered coach. A trained and certified Chartered coached from India coaching Federation (ICF) can practice and engage in coaching activities independently as Life Coach, Career Coach and Relationship Coach. Have an opportunity to get associated with a senior coach of India Coaching Federation / paid fellowship is (optional) Allowed by the member of any state and city council of ICF.

Duration: 25 Session of 02 to 05 hours Each (05 to 06 Months) done once in a day per week. Content: 100 to 150 hours of practical Live training with the Master Coach on the research based patented Coaching Frame-work Material.

02 Professional Chartered Coach (PCC) Certification Program:

To become a Professional Chartered Coach (PCC) one must need to complete minimum 05 Independent Coaching assignments as an Associate Chartered Coach (ACC). Completed 100 hours of Coaching assignment independently as an ACC or in collaboration with other PCC & MCC. A more insights in Life and relationship coaching to empower, transform and coach professionals and leaders. As a PCC one is allowed to be the member and director of any state and city council of ICF.

Duration: 10 Session of 02 to 05 hours Each (02 Months) done one day per week. Content: 40 to 50 hours of practical Live training with the Master Coach on the research based patented Coaching Frame-work Material.

03 Master Chartered Coach (MCC) Certification Program:

To become a Master Chartered Coach (MCC) one must need to complete minimum Three year of coaching experience as ACC and PCC Coach of India Coaching Federation. Minimum 25 Coaching, training and mentoring assignments done as a chartered coach of India Coaching Federation. As a Master Chartered Coach you are prepared to get into CXO and Leadership Level Coaching and training and event certify new coaches to become a certified coaches of India Coaching Federation. One is also allowed to be the member, Director, MD, VP and Chairman of ICF.

Duration: 10 Session of 02 to 05 hours Each (03 Months) done one day per week. Content: 40 to 50 hours of practical Live training with the Master Coach on the research based patented Coaching Frame-work Material.

04 Integrated Master Chartered Coach (IMCC) Certification Program:

An unique opportunity for the Corporate Executives and Business leaders with 10+ years of experience in corporate who wants to become a Coach from India Coaching Federation.

Duration: 30 Session of 02 to 05 hours Each (06 Months) done one day per week. Content: 150 to 175 hours of practical Live training with the Master Coach on the research based patented Coaching Frame-work Material.

Why We Chose It:

This is a rare an unique coach certification program which is based on a research based patented framework to transform the personality of the individual to discover their coach within and further create their future as a Professional Chartered Coach.

We love the international appeal to this program that offers in-person training in locations across the globe that are also offered virtually to those who cannot attend.

Their program can be incorporated into one to one session or in a group coaching, for professionals at all levels, different career areas, and expertise—at a very affordable rate offering the best value for money invested and 100% money back guarantee.

Bottom Line

It’s important to be aware of the differences between the programs to figure out what training you would benefit the most from to become a successful and strategic certified chartered coach.

Whether you are already in the executive, life, career and relationship coaching business or want to become certified charted coach—there is a successful coach certification program to fit your needs.

Hello friend, my name is Dhirendra Gautam, I am a life doctor and people transformation coach and I help people to transform their personality to discover their “Oneself” and their real personality to further transform their decision making, through a scientifically designed patented framework which I have researched, discovered and created based on my seven years of research on People transformation. Primarily understanding the Human design, how people operate and take decision in their life and impact the results in their Life, career, business and relationship.

If you are willing to become a Transformed human being and business Leader or a ICF Certified Chartered coach do write to us and visit our website and

If you are looking to empower yourself or the people in your organization; we have many success stories.


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